
IoT Now Magazine Q4 2022: Double-down, stick or twist, vendors make their moves as IoT matures

There has been a growing volume of assertions that IoT is entering maturity during 2022. Often that has seemed little more than wishful thinking but in the second half of the year, proof has emerged: big acquisitions are happening.

Inside this issue:

  • TALKING HEADS - Ajay Joseph tells Matt Hatton why simple, open flexible and automated connectivity is enabling the new wave of mass-scale global IoT deployments
  • EV CHARGING - The IoT Now CEO Guide to the EV ecosystem starts here
  • INTERVIEW - Cyril Deschanel tells George Malim how cellular connectivity is powering the EV ecosystem into the fast lane of user adoption
  • MARKET REPORT - Our market report details why cellular has become the mission critical connectivity for the EV ecosystem and looks ahead to investments in new charging infrastructure
  • CASE STUDY - Inside Elonroad’s technology for enabling charging on the street and on the move
  • EV CHARGING ROLL-OUTS - Tony Savvas explores charging networks’ growing pains as they try to ramp up capacity
  • CASE STUDY - How seamless multinational EV roaming is the Virta reality
  • CES 2023 GUIDE - The IoT Now Guide to CES 2023 begins here
  • ANALYST REPORT - Jim Morrish explores how the focus on LoRaWAN has shifted to wide area and hybrid networking
  • eSIM CHOICES REPORT - George Malim examines the complexities of eSIM management and how they can be addressed by systems and services on the market

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