
Better Decisions A spotlight on data efficiency

Research from Treasure Data reveals how marketing teams are under increasing pressure to prove ROI amid rising costs.

Key findings include:

  • Diminishing budget divisions: Businesses are having to think seriously about how to prioritise spend between departments and as a result, 65% of marketers admit to already having made cuts to their budgets.
  • The customer and cost of living: 73% of marketers say that they have changed their marketing strategies as a result of rising prices and cost-of-living challenges.
  • Prioritising poor optimisation: Our research suggests that 61% of marketers don’t feel properly equipped to get the most out of the data they use for marketing campaigns.
  • Dishonesty of data: Most marketers agree that they have access to identity, attribute and behavioural data – however, around a third reveal that this data is not accurate or of high quality

Download a copy of the research now for a full summary of the findings and how to solve for the issues they create.

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