
Why IT Leaders Should Consider a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) Strategy

While technology has long been considered an engine necessary to keep the business moving forward, it is now recognized as a true business driver, capable of creating new efficiencies, capabilities, and opportunities previously out of reach for most enterprises.

The role of the IT leader has similarly evolved, with CISOs, CIOs, and CTOs now part of the executive suite due to a new strategic focus on technology. The major factors in this shift have been the explosion of enterprise public cloud adoption, including Azure and AWS, and the widespread use of employee-owned mobile devices for work.

Companies are leveraging these technologies to optimize business processes and deliver products and services more quickly and at a lower overall cost. But what about the risk that they introduce? Because of the shift toward cloud and mobility, the traditional security perimeter that once protected users and internal services within the corporate network is to a large extent gone.

The time has come for security to evolve, moving protections closer to the user and bringing a new emphasis on convenience, flexibility, and reliability. In this paper you can read about:

  • Changing technology and the evolving role of IT leaders
  • Factors IT leaders must now consider when adopting new technology
  • How a ZTNA solution drives business success

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